Pecha Kucha gets social
Pecha Kucha Harvard 2 welcomes live social media participation during the talks. Live blog, live Flickr, live Twitter!
Each Pecha Kucha talk is exactly 20 slides. Many of the sets are posted to the event’s Flickr group. Please annotate, comment and tag the photos and photo sets. Everyone at Pecha Kucha Harvard 2 is welcome to join the group and add photos to the group pool. You may use the recommended tags:
pechakucha harvard harvardgsd gsd pkh2
Pecha Kucha Harvard has a public Facebook group and Facebook event for RSVPs. Join this group to stay informed of future Pecha Kucha events in Cambridge, MA.
“GSD” and “Harvard University” SSIDs are available in Piper Auditorium. Provide your email address for guest access to “GSD”.