Pecha Kucha Boston
creative people talking about creative things

Pecha Kucha Boston 5 at Mantra

After four events at Harvard GSD, Pecha Kucha Boston kicks off the fall on Thu Sep 18 at Mantra, 52 Temple Pl, Boston. Mantra, designed by Office dA, is a restaurant in a former neoclassical bank.


Join your fellow Boston architects, graphic designers, fashion designers, landscape architects, media makers, technologists, urban planners and web geeks. Pecha Kucha is now happening in over 137 cities globally!

Doors open at 630 pm for drinks and chit chat. Talks start at 715 pm. The event is free and open to the public. Cash bar. Casual attire is okay.

After the Pecha Kucha event ends, Mantra will clear the floor for a DJ. Feel free to stick around!

Pecha Kucha Boston 5

Please email your friends and colleagues. A CC-licensed image is available on Flickr. Or download a pdf version for printing posters.

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